The YMCA Nursery was carefully designed by architects, childcare professionals and parents to get the maximum potential from the space giving it a vibrant and unique layout.
Baby Room
The Baby Room is a large open space for 0-2 year old’s to explore and move around in. The Baby Boom staff have created stimulating and inviting areas which include a black and white area, as research has proven that black and white contrasts register powerfully on a baby’s retina and send the strongest visual signals to their brain. They have also created a heuristic area full of everyday objects for babies to explore and to promote their curiosity, that they may not normally have access to.
There is a reading area to help promote an interest in stories and reading from a young age. It is stocked with age-appropriate, interactively stimulating books. We also have story cushions which contain a book and props to support the stories to make them more interactive for the children.
The Baby Room also has an exclusive area for very young babies which is equipped with age-appropriate toys, a play gym and sitting support. Small babies do have access to the whole room but from time to time babies may want their own space and to have one to one time with their key worker. There is also an adjoining Sleep room where babies can sleep undisturbed by the busy activities going on in the main room.
Toddler Room
Our Toddler room is a fun place for 2 year old’s to play and learn in! The toddler room staff have created lots of different spaces to encourage different areas of children’s development.
The children have lots of space to get messy, play in sand and water and access to lots of different creative materials to make their own art work.
A heuristic area has been developed with lots of natural, wooden, metal and materials to allow children to explore different textures. Loose part play also helps children to use their imagination much more, as an object such as a wood cut off can be used as ‘a wand’, ‘a tower’, ‘a pencil’… the list is endless!
Staff have created a role play area which helps to develop children’s imagination and encourages children to play alongside others, share ideas and build relationships with their peers.
There is also a circle time and story area where children can have quiet time, explore the book corner and take part in group activities and circle time, which helps to promote their listening skills, understanding and social interaction with the staff and their peers.
Pre-School Room
Our Pre-school Room is an inviting place for 3 and 4 year old’s to play and learn in. Our Pre-school Room Lead has created a cozy story area where the children can explore books and join in with story time with adults, as books are great for helping children to develop their imaginations and become interested in stories. As well as this, they have created a circle time area to allow self registration through out the session. This helps children to recognise their own picture and name in preparation for school. Children’s feelings are also promoted and discussed with the children at circle time, this helps children to further understand feelings and how we feel.
The role play area is changed regularly to spike the imagination of the children in Pre-school. Role play areas are essential for children to develop their social skills with each other. They also help children to use their imagination and to express themselves. The children also have access to a construction and small world area where they can construct and use small world figures to enhance their role play further!
Pre-school also has an open creative area where children can access different media to make their own art creations. They also have access to sand and water during sessions and fun, messy activities are also provided.
Sensory Room
We have a fantastic sensory room thanks to Thomas Cooks
The sensory room is equipped with a large range of sensory resources for children to explore, including bubble tubes, UV lighting, interactive floor tiles, instruments and more. The sensory room provides all children to explore different aspects of the world using all senses including touch, sound and smell. This enables children to explore safely and interact with objects and resources that they may not usually come in contact with. Sensory play can also help to further enhance children’s play and imagination.
Our children love to explore the different aspects of the room.
The sensory room also provides calm sensory engagement for children with additional needs such as autism, Aspergers, behaviour needs and much more.