Jade* and her mum arrived in North Tyneside not long before Christmas. The background to their story is deeply upsetting; Jade’s mum was initially trafficked into the UK on the promise of training to become a nurse, forced into an abusive relationship, made pregnant and subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). Understandably she lacked confidence and did not trust anyone.
The team at YMCA Day Nursery worked closely with a North Tyneside teacher responsible for transient families and eventually built sufficient trust such that Jade was placed in the nursery. It was evident that despite their hardships there was an incredibly strong, loving bond between mum and child, which was the bedrock for everything that has happened since.
North Tyneside Council put a temporary roof over their head just before Christmas and the team at YMCA did their best to support Jade’s mum and make the festive period a special time for both of them – providing donations of food and gifts. In the New Year they were granted the right to stay in the country and given permanent accommodation nearby.
Jade eventually transitioned from YMCA Day Nursery to a local primary school, leaving as an outgoing confident preschooler. Jade’s mum has been working hard at enhancing her English speaking and is still keen to train to become a nurse. YMCA Day Nursery has been proud to support Jade and her mum and to make a positive contribution to their lives.
* Names have been changed to protect individual’s identities.
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